Tag : Doll

Villa Sbertolli, Italy

Villa Sbertoli, Italy

The building was originally a home but was converted to be used as an asylum and closed over 20 years ago.

Pripyat Schools and Nurseries

Pripyat: Schools and Nurseries

There were 15 primary schools and 5 secondary schools in Pripyat. Toys and exercise books still remain strewn across the floor as a stark reminder of children that once attended.

Pripyat Hospital

Pripyat: Hospital MsCh-126 Medico-Sanitary Unit

Hospital No. 126 was the general infirmary for Pripyat. The first firemen to respond to the Chernobyl Disaster were taken here and their clothing remains radioactive.

St John’s Hospital aka County Pauper Lunatic Asylum, Lincoln

St John’s Hospital aka County Pauper Lunatic Asylum, Lincoln

St John’s Asylum in Bracebridge Heath was a mental asylum built in 1852. The grand Italian style building is now a shell of its former greatness.