Tag : UE

London City Rooftops

Overview of London – City Rooftops

Views from a couple of London rooftops featuring the Palace of Westminster and Battersea Power Station set against capital’s famous skyline.

The Maids Morgue - Abandoned Mortuary

Maiden Law Hospital Morgue, Durham

An abandoned morgue with a white porcelain slab. The mortuary shows no signs of damage, only natural decay after being left forgotten for several years.

RAF Upwood Medical Clinic

RAF Upwood Clinic, Huntingdon, UK

The clinic in the grounds of RAF Upwood was operated by USAF until it closed in 2012. It is much more modern than the rest of the RAF base.

D9 Nightclub Leicester

D9 Nightclub, Leicester

D9 is an abandoned nightclub in Leicester. The club closed a few years ago. The place is is in good condition and all the lights still work

Bishop Street Post Office, Leicester

Bishop Street Post Office, Leicester

The post office in Leicester opened in 1935 and featured a large public space with grand ceiling. It closed in 2007 and has stood empty ever since.

Chateau Rochendaal Belgium

Château Rochendaal, Belgium

Château Rochendaal is a small castle built by a lawyer who later became mayor. The château was taken over by the Nazis and used as officers accommodation.

Little Green House - Belgium

Little Green House, Belgium

The Little green House is an abandoned house in Belgium, falling into a state of decay. The house looks like it may have been used as a shop and hostel as well.

Beelitz Central Bath House

Beelitz-Heilstätten – Central Bath House – Germany

The Central Bathhouse, part of the Men’s Sanatorium at the Beelitz Military Hospital Complex is an amazing ornate building with many stunning features.

Beelitz Heilstätten Male Pavilion

Beelitz-Heilstätten – Male Pavilion – Germany

The Pavilion of the Male Sanatorium at Beelitz was the primary treatment area for sufferers of tuberculosis. The building is huge with extensive open-air treatment areas.

Beelitz Womens Lung Hospital

Beelitz-Heilstätten – Women’s Lung Hospital – Germany

The wards form part of the women’s lung hospital at the Beelitz Military Hospital Complex and feature a lot of decay.